Updated 09/03/2025
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Article 4 - Regulation 583/2010

Article 4

Title and content of document

1.   The content of the key investor information document shall be presented in the order as set out in paragraphs 2 to 13.

2.   The title ‘Key investor information’ shall appear prominently at the top of the first page of the key investor information document.

3.   An explanatory statement shall appear directly underneath the title. It shall read:

‘This document provides you with key investor information about this fund. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature and the risks of investing in this fund. You are advised to read it so you can make an informed decision about whether to invest’.

4.   The identification of the UCITS, including the share class or investment compartment thereof, shall be stated prominently. In the case of an investment compartment or share class, the name of the UCITS shall follow the compartment or share class name. Where a code number identifying the UCITS, investment compartment or share class exists, it shall form part of the identification of the UCITS.

5.   The name of the management company shall be stated.

6.   In addition, in cases where the management company forms part of a group of companies for legal, administrative or marketing purposes, the name of that group may be stated. Corporate branding may be included provided it does not hinder an investor in understanding the key elements of the investment or diminish his ability to compare investment products.

7.   The section of the key investor information document entitled ‘Objectives and investment policy’ shall contain the information set out in Section 1 of Chapter III of this Regulation.

8.   The section of the key investor information document entitled ‘Risk and reward profile’ shall contain the information set out in Section 2 of Chapter III of this Regulation.

9.   The section of the key investor information document entitled ‘Charges’ shall contain the information set out in Section 3 of Chapter III of this Regulation.

10.   The section of the key investor information document entitled ‘Past performance’ shall contain the information set out in Section 4 of Chapter III of this Regulation.

11.   The section of the key investor information document entitled ‘Practical information’ shall contain the information set out in Section 5 of Chapter III of this Regulation.

12.   Authorisation details shall consist of the following statement:

‘This fund is authorised in [name of Member State] and regulated by [identity of competent authority]’.

In cases where the UCITS is managed by a management company exercising rights under Article 16 of Directive 2009/65/EC, an additional statement shall be included:

‘[Name of management company] is authorised in [name of Member State] and regulated by [identity of competent authority]’.

13.   Information on publication shall consist of the following statement:

‘This key investor information is accurate as at [the date of publication]’.