Article 19
Representative of a third-country credit purchaser
1. Member States shall provide that where a transfer of a creditor’s rights under a non-performing credit agreement, or of the non-performing credit agreement itself, is concluded, a credit purchaser that is not domiciled in the Union, or that does not have its registered office or, if under its national law it has no registered office, its head office in the Union designates in writing a representative that is domiciled in the Union or that does have its registered office or, if under its national law it has no registered office, its head office in the Union.
2. The representative referred to in paragraph 1 shall be addressed in addition to, or instead of, the credit purchaser by competent authorities on all issues related to the ongoing compliance with this Directive and be fully responsible for compliance with the obligations imposed on the credit purchaser under the national provisions transposing this Directive.