TITLE I - SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (Article 1-3)Article 1 - Subject matterArticle 2 - ScopeArticle 3 - Definitions Q&A
TITLE II - STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF COVERED BONDS (Article 4-17)CHAPTER 1 - Dual recourse and bankruptcy remoteness (Article 4-5)Article 4 - Dual recourseArticle 5 - Bankruptcy remoteness of covered bondsCHAPTER 2 - Cover pool and coverage (Article 6-17)Section I - Eligible assets (Article 6-14)Article 6 - Eligible cover assetsArticle 7 - Collateral assets located outside the UnionArticle 8 - Intragroup pooled covered bond structuresArticle 9 - Joint fundingArticle 10 - Composition of the cover poolArticle 11 - Derivative contracts in the cover pool Article 12 - Segregation of cover assetsArticle 13 - Cover pool monitorArticle 14 - Investor informationSection II - Coverage and liquidity requirements (Article 15-17)Article 15 - Coverage requirementsArticle 16 - Requirement for a cover pool liquidity buffer Article 17 - Conditions for extendable maturity structures
CHAPTER 1 - Dual recourse and bankruptcy remoteness (Article 4-5)Article 4 - Dual recourseArticle 5 - Bankruptcy remoteness of covered bonds
CHAPTER 2 - Cover pool and coverage (Article 6-17)Section I - Eligible assets (Article 6-14)Article 6 - Eligible cover assetsArticle 7 - Collateral assets located outside the UnionArticle 8 - Intragroup pooled covered bond structuresArticle 9 - Joint fundingArticle 10 - Composition of the cover poolArticle 11 - Derivative contracts in the cover pool Article 12 - Segregation of cover assetsArticle 13 - Cover pool monitorArticle 14 - Investor informationSection II - Coverage and liquidity requirements (Article 15-17)Article 15 - Coverage requirementsArticle 16 - Requirement for a cover pool liquidity buffer Article 17 - Conditions for extendable maturity structures
Section I - Eligible assets (Article 6-14)Article 6 - Eligible cover assetsArticle 7 - Collateral assets located outside the UnionArticle 8 - Intragroup pooled covered bond structuresArticle 9 - Joint fundingArticle 10 - Composition of the cover poolArticle 11 - Derivative contracts in the cover pool Article 12 - Segregation of cover assetsArticle 13 - Cover pool monitorArticle 14 - Investor information
Section II - Coverage and liquidity requirements (Article 15-17)Article 15 - Coverage requirementsArticle 16 - Requirement for a cover pool liquidity buffer Article 17 - Conditions for extendable maturity structures
TITLE III - COVERED BOND PUBLIC SUPERVISION (Article 18-26a)Article 18 - Covered bond public supervision Article 19 - Permission for covered bond programmesArticle 20 - Covered bond public supervision in the event of insolvency or resolutionArticle 21 - Reporting to the competent authoritiesArticle 22 - Powers of competent authorities for the purposes of covered bond public supervisionArticle 23 - Administrative penalties and other administrative measuresArticle 24 - Publication of administrative penalties and other administrative measuresArticle 25 - Cooperation obligationsArticle 26 - Disclosure requirementsArticle 26a - Accessibility of information on the European single access point
TITLE V - AMENDMENTS TO OTHER DIRECTIVES (Article 28-29)Article 28 - Amendment to Directive 2009/65/ECArticle 29 - Amendment to Directive 2014/59/EU
TITLE VI - FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 30-34)Article 30 - Transitional measuresArticle 31 - Reviews and reportsArticle 32 - TranspositionArticle 33 - Entry into forceArticle 34 - Addressees