Article 19
Internal credit quality assessment procedure
The manager of an MMF shall ensure that the internal credit quality assessment procedure complies with all of the following general principles:
an effective process is to be established to obtain and update relevant information on the issuer and the instrument's characteristics;
adequate measures are to be adopted and implemented to ensure that the internal credit quality assessment is based on a thorough analysis of the information that is available and pertinent, and includes all relevant driving factors that influence the creditworthiness of the issuer and the credit quality of the instrument;
the internal credit quality assessment procedure is to be monitored on an ongoing basis and all credit quality assessments shall be reviewed at least annually;
while there is to be no mechanistic over-reliance on external ratings in accordance with Article 5a of Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009, the manager of an MMF shall undertake a new credit quality assessment for a money market instrument, securitisations and ABCPs when there is a material change that could have an impact on the existing assessment of the instrument;
the credit quality assessment methodologies are to be reviewed at least annually by the manager of an MMF to determine whether they remain appropriate for the current portfolio and external conditions and the review shall be transmitted to the competent authority of the manager of the MMF. Where the manager of the MMF becomes aware of errors in the credit quality assessment methodology or in its application, it shall immediately correct those errors;
when methodologies, models or key assumptions used in the internal credit quality assessment procedure are changed, the manager of an MMF is to review all affected internal credit quality assessments as soon as possible.