Updated 17/10/2024
In force

Version from: 09/01/2024
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Article 18 - Omission of information

Article 18

Omission of information


The competent authority of the home Member State may authorise the omission from the prospectus, or constituent parts thereof, of certain information to be included therein, where it considers that any of the following conditions is met:


disclosure of such information would be contrary to the public interest;


disclosure of such information would be seriously detrimental to the issuer or to the guarantor, if any, provided that the omission of such information would not be likely to mislead the public with regard to facts and circumstances essential for an informed assessment of the issuer or guarantor, if any, and of the rights attached to the securities to which the prospectus relates;


such information is of minor importance in relation to a specific offer or admission to trading on a regulated market and would not influence the assessment of the financial position and prospects of the issuer or guarantor, if any.

The competent authority shall submit a report to ESMA on a yearly basis regarding the information the omission of which it has authorised.

Subject to adequate information being provided to investors, where, exceptionally, certain information required to be included in a prospectus, or constituent parts thereof, is inappropriate to the sphere of activity or to the legal form of the issuer or of the guarantor, if any, or to the securities to which the prospectus relates, the prospectus, or constituent parts thereof, shall contain information equivalent to the required information, unless no such information exists.
Where securities are guaranteed by a Member State, an issuer, an offeror or a person asking for admission to trading on a regulated market, when drawing up a prospectus in accordance with Article 4, shall be entitled to omit information pertaining to that Member State.

ESMA may, or where the Commission so requests shall, develop draft regulatory technical standards to specify the cases where information may be omitted in accordance with paragraph 1, taking into account the reports of competent authorities to ESMA referred to in paragraph 1.

Power is delegated to the Commission to adopt the regulatory technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.