Article 23
Mandatory contribution to a critical benchmark
The competent authority of the critical benchmark administrator shall inform the competent authority of that supervised contributor, and where applicable ESMA, thereof without undue delay. The administrator shall submit to its competent authority an assessment of the implications on the capability of the critical benchmark to measure the underlying market or economic reality, as soon as possible but no later than 14 days after the notification made by the supervised contributor.
In the event that the competent authority, after the period specified in paragraph 5 and on the basis of its own assessment referred to in paragraph 4, considers that the representativeness of a critical benchmark is put at risk, it shall have the power to:
require supervised entities selected in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Article, including entities that are not yet contributors to the relevant critical benchmark, to contribute input data to the administrator in accordance with the administrator's methodology, the code of conduct referred to in Article 15 and other rules. Such requirement shall be in place for an appropriate period of time not exceeding 12 months from the date on which the initial decision requiring mandatory contribution was taken pursuant to paragraph 5 or, for those entities that are not yet contributors, from the date on which the decision requiring mandatory contribution is taken under this point;
extend the period of mandatory contribution by an appropriate period of time not exceeding 12 months, following a review under paragraph 9 of any measures adopted pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph;
determine the form in which, and the time by which, any input data is to be contributed without imposing an obligation on supervised entities to either trade or commit to trade;
require the administrator to change the methodology, the code of conduct referred to in Article 15 or other rules of the critical benchmark.
The maximum period of mandatory contribution under points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph shall not exceed five years.
By the end of the period referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 6, the competent authority of the administrator shall review the measures adopted under paragraph 6. It shall revoke any of them if it considers that:
the contributors are likely to continue contributing input data for at least one year if the measure were revoked, which shall be evidenced by at least:
a written commitment by the contributors to the administrator and the competent authority to continue contributing input data to the critical benchmark for at least one year if the measure were revoked;
a written report by the administrator to the competent authority providing evidence for its assessment that the critical benchmark's continued viability can be assured once mandatory contribution has been revoked;
the provision of the benchmark is able to continue once the contributors mandated to contribute input data have ceased contributing;
an acceptable substitute benchmark is available and users of the critical benchmark can switch to this substitute at minimal costs which shall be evidenced by at least a written report by the administrator detailing the means of transition to a substitute benchmark and the ability and costs to users of transitioning to this benchmark; or
no appropriate alternative contributors can be identified and the cessation of contributions from the relevant supervised entities would weaken the benchmark to such an extent to require the cessation of the benchmark.