Article 6
For the purposes of this Directive:
‘institution for occupational retirement provision’, or ‘IORP’, means an institution, irrespective of its legal form, operating on a funded basis, established separately from any sponsoring undertaking or trade for the purpose of providing retirement benefits in the context of an occupational activity on the basis of an agreement or a contract agreed:
individually or collectively between the employer(s) and the employee(s) or their respective representatives, or
with self-employed persons, individually or collectively, in compliance with the law of the home and host Member States,
and which carries out activities directly arising therefrom;
‘pension scheme’ means a contract, an agreement, a trust deed or rules stipulating which retirement benefits are granted and under which conditions;
‘sponsoring undertaking’ means any undertaking or other body, regardless of whether it includes or consists of one or more legal or natural persons, which acts as an employer or in a self-employed capacity or any combination thereof and which offers a pension scheme or pays contributions to an IORP;
‘retirement benefits’ means benefits paid by reference to reaching, or the expectation of reaching, retirement or, where they are supplementary to those benefits and provided on an ancillary basis, in the form of payments on death, disability, or cessation of employment or in the form of support payments or services in case of sickness, indigence or death. In order to facilitate financial security in retirement, these benefits may take the form of payments for life, payments made for a temporary period, a lump sum, or any combination thereof;
‘member’ means a person, other than a beneficiary or a prospective member, whose past or current occupational activities entitle or will entitle him/her to retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of a pension scheme;
‘beneficiary’ means a person receiving retirement benefits;
‘prospective member’ means a person who is eligible to join a pension scheme;
‘competent authority’ means a national authority designated to carry out the duties provided for in this Directive;
‘biometric risks’ mean risks linked to death, disability and longevity;
‘home Member State’ means the Member State in which the IORP has been registered or authorised and in which its main administration is located in accordance with Article 9;
‘host Member State’ means the Member State whose social and labour law relevant to the field of occupational pension schemes is applicable to the relationship between the sponsoring undertaking and members or beneficiaries;
‘transferring IORP’ means an IORP transferring all or a part of a pension scheme's liabilities, technical provisions, and other obligations and rights, as well as corresponding assets or cash equivalent thereof, to an IORP registered or authorised in another Member State;
‘receiving IORP’ means an IORP receiving all or a part of a pension scheme's liabilities, technical provisions, and other obligations and rights, as well as corresponding assets or cash equivalent thereof, from an IORP registered or authorised in another Member State;
‘regulated market’ means a regulated market as defined in point (21) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU;
‘multilateral trading facility’ or ‘MTF’ means a multilateral trading facility or MTF as defined in point (22) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU;
‘organised trading facility’ or ‘OTF’ means an organised trading facility or OTF as defined in point (23) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU;
‘durable medium’ means an instrument which enables a member or a beneficiary to store information addressed personally to that member or beneficiary in a way that is accessible for future reference and for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;
‘key function’, within a system of governance, means a capacity to undertake practical tasks comprising the risk management function, the internal audit function, and the actuarial function;
‘cross-border activity’ means operating a pension scheme where the relationship between the sponsoring undertaking, and the members and beneficiaries concerned, is governed by the social and labour law relevant to the field of occupational pension schemes of a Member State other than the home Member State.