Article 17
Cooperation between competent authorities
A competent authority may refuse to act on a request to cooperate and exchange information in accordance with paragraph 1 only in either of the following exceptional circumstances:
where judicial proceedings have already been initiated in respect of the same actions and against the same persons before the authorities of the Member State of the competent authority receiving the request; or
where a final judgment has already been delivered in relation to such persons for the same actions in the Member State of the competent authority receiving the request.
In the case of such a refusal, the competent authority shall notify the requesting authority and ESMA accordingly, providing as detailed information as possible.
Such cooperation shall be confidential and conditional upon a justified request from the relevant competent authorities, and only with a view to enabling those authorities to fulfil their respective responsibilities.
Notwithstanding the first and second subparagraphs the members of the ESCB may refuse to provide information where the transactions are entered into by them in the performance of their functions as monetary authorities.
In the case of a refusal as referred to in the third subparagraph, the relevant member of the ESCB shall notify the requesting authority of that refusal together with the justification therefor.