CHAPTER I - SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (Article 1-3)Article 1 - Subject matterArticle 2 - Scope Q&AGLArticle 3 - Definitions
CHAPTER II - OBLIGATIONS ON PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDERS (Article 4-13)SECTION 1 - Obligations on the payment service provider of the payer (Article 4-6)Article 4 - Information accompanying transfers of funds Q&AArticle 5 - Transfers of funds within the UnionArticle 6 - Transfers of funds to outside the UnionSECTION 2 - Obligations on the payment service provider of the payee (Article 7-9)Article 7 - Detection of missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 8 - Transfers of funds with missing or incomplete information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 9 - Assessment and reportingSECTION 3 - Obligations on intermediary payment service providers (Article 10-13)Article 10 - Retention of information on the payer and the payee with the transferArticle 11 - Detection of missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 12 - Transfers of funds with missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 13 - Assessment and reporting
SECTION 1 - Obligations on the payment service provider of the payer (Article 4-6)Article 4 - Information accompanying transfers of funds Q&AArticle 5 - Transfers of funds within the UnionArticle 6 - Transfers of funds to outside the Union
SECTION 2 - Obligations on the payment service provider of the payee (Article 7-9)Article 7 - Detection of missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 8 - Transfers of funds with missing or incomplete information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 9 - Assessment and reporting
SECTION 3 - Obligations on intermediary payment service providers (Article 10-13)Article 10 - Retention of information on the payer and the payee with the transferArticle 11 - Detection of missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 12 - Transfers of funds with missing information on the payer or the payee GLArticle 13 - Assessment and reporting
CHAPTER III - INFORMATION, DATA PROTECTION AND RECORD-RETENTION (Article 14-16)Article 14 - Provision of informationArticle 15 - Data protectionArticle 16 - Record retention
CHAPTER IV - SANCTIONS AND MONITORING (Article 17-22)Article 17 - Administrative sanctions and measuresArticle 18 - Specific provisionsArticle 19 - Publication of sanctions and measuresArticle 20 - Application of sanctions and measures by the competent authoritiesArticle 21 - Reporting of breachesArticle 22 - Monitoring
CHAPTER VI - DEROGATIONS (Article 24-25)Article 24 - Agreements with countries and territories which do not form part of the territory of the Union IAArticle 25 - Guidelines GL
CHAPTER VII - FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 26-27)Article 26 - Repeal of Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006Article 27 - Entry into force