Article 61
Administrative sanctions and other measures
Member States may decide not to lay down rules for administrative sanctions as referred to in the first subparagraph where the infringements referred to in that subparagraph are already subject to criminal sanctions in their national law by 18 September 2016. Where they so decide, Member States shall notify, in detail, to the Commission and to ESMA, the relevant parts of their criminal law.
By 18 September 2016, the Member States shall notify the rules referred to in the first subparagraph to the Commission and ESMA. Member States shall notify the Commission and ESMA without undue delay of any subsequent amendments thereto.
Where Member States have chosen, in accordance with paragraph 1, to lay down criminal sanctions for the infringements of the provisions referred to in Article 63 their competent authorities shall provide ESMA annually with anonymised and aggregated data regarding all criminal investigations undertaken and criminal penalties imposed. ESMA shall publish data on criminal sanctions imposed in an annual report.
Competent authorities shall exercise their functions and powers in accordance with their national frameworks:
in collaboration with other authorities;
under their responsibility by delegation to entities to which tasks have been delegated according to this Regulation; or
by application to the competent judicial authorities.