Article 6
Measures to prevent settlement fails
Such measures shall at least consist of arrangements between the investment firm and its professional clients as referred to in Annex II to Directive 2014/65/EU to ensure the prompt communication of an allocation of securities to the transaction, confirmation of that allocation and confirmation of the acceptance or rejection of terms in good time before the intended settlement date.
ESMA shall, in close cooperation with the members of the ESCB, issue guidelines in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 on the standardised procedures and messaging protocols to be used for complying with the second subparagraph of this paragraph.
ESMA shall, in close cooperation with the members of the ESCB, develop draft regulatory technical standards to specify the measures to prevent settlement fails in order to increase settlement efficiency and in particular:
the measures to be taken by investment firms in accordance with paragraph 2, first subparagraph;
the details of the procedures that facilitate settlement referred to in paragraph 3, which could include the shaping of transaction sizes, partial settlement of failing trades and the use of auto-lend/borrow programmes provided by certain CSDs; and
the details of the measures to encourage and incentivise the timely settlement of transactions referred to in paragraph 4.
ESMA shall submit those draft regulatory technical standards to the Commission by 17 July 2025.
Power is delegated to the Commission to adopt the regulatory technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.