Article 25a
Mechanism to exchange order data
Where a competent authority submits a request for data under paragraph 4, the requested competent authority shall request that data from the relevant trading venue in a timely manner and not later than four working days from the date of the request. The requested data shall be made available to the competent authority that submitted the first request as soon as possible and no later than the deadline determined in paragraph 6, point (c).
The ongoing and timely exchange of order data on the financial instruments referred to in paragraph 4, points (b) and (c), shall be made operational through the mechanism set up pursuant to the first subparagraph of this paragraph by 5 June 2028.
A competent authority may obtain order data originating from a trading venue that has a significant cross-border dimension when that competent authority is the competent authority of the most relevant market referred to in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and that data could be relevant for the supervisory activities of that authority for the following financial instruments:
Where a Member State makes a decision pursuant to the first subparagraph, that Member State and its competent authority shall comply with this Article.
ESMA shall develop draft implementing technical standards:
to specify the appropriate mechanism for the exchange of order data and in particular, to lay down the operational arrangements to ensure the swift transmission of information between competent authorities;
to determine appropriate arrangements, systems and procedures for trading venues to comply with paragraph 1, second subparagraph; and
to determine the format and the deadline for providing without delay the requested data in paragraph 1, second subparagraph.
ESMA shall submit those draft implementing technical standards to the Commission by 5 September 2025.
Power is delegated to the Commission to supplement this Regulation by adopting the implementing technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.
The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 35 to establish a list of designated trading venues that have a significant cross-border dimension in the supervision of market abuse by taking into account, for each class of financial instruments, at least the following:
the trading volume on the trading venue; and
the trading volume on that trading venue in financial instruments for which the competent authority of the most relevant market referred to in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 differs from the competent authority of the trading venue.
With regard to shares, the criterion referred to in the first subparagraph, point (a), shall be measured as turnover in shares aggregated at the level of the trading venue, and shall not be below EUR 100 billion per year in any of the last four years. The criterion referred to in the first subparagraph, point (b), shall be defined as the ratio between the turnover in shares for which the competent authority of the most relevant market referred to in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 is different from the competent authority of the trading venue and the total turnover in all shares traded on that venue in a year. That ratio shall not be below 50 %.
That report shall cover at least the following:
a description of technical challenges faced by trading venues, competent authorities and ESMA during the implementation of the mechanism for shares;
the costs incurred by competent authorities and ESMA in the set-up of the mechanism for shares;
the functioning of the thresholds referred to in paragraph 7, second subparagraph.
The report shall include a cost-benefit analysis linked to the future development of the mechanism set up pursuant to paragraph 1 with regard to the inclusion in its scope of possible relevant financial instruments, including bonds and futures. The report shall also include recommendations on the extension of the scope to the financial instruments referred to in paragraph 4, taking into account the added value, technical challenges and expected costs.