Updated 17/10/2024
In force

Version from: 28/03/2024
Amendments (7)
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Article 90 - Reports and review

Article 90

Reports and review


Before   3 March 2020 the Commission shall, after consulting ESMA, present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on:


the functioning of OTFs, including their specific use of matched principal trading, taking into account supervisory experience acquired by competent authorities, the number of OTFs authorised in the Union and their market share and in particular examining whether any adjustments are needed to the definition of an OTF and whether the range of financial instruments covered by the OTF category remains appropriate;


the functioning of the regime for SME growth markets, taking into account the number of MTFs registered as SME growth markets, numbers of issuers present thereon, and relevant trading volumes;

In particular, the report shall assess whether the threshold in point (a) of Article 33(3) remains an appropriate minimum to pursue the objectives for SME growth markets as stated in this Directive;


the impact of requirements regarding algorithmic trading including high-frequency algorithmic trading;


the experience with the mechanism for banning certain products or practices, taking into account the number of times the mechanisms have been triggered and their effects;


the application of the administrative and criminal sanctions and in particular the need to further harmonise the administrative sanctions set out for the infringement of the requirements set out in this Directive and in Regulation (EU) No 600/2014;


the impact of the application of position limits and position management on liquidity, market abuse and orderly pricing and settlement conditions in commodity derivatives markets;


the development in prices for pre and post trade transparency data from regulated markets, MTFs, OTFs and APAs;


the impact of the requirement to disclose any fees, commissions and non-monetary benefits in connection with the provision of an investment service or an ancillary service to the client in accordance with Article 24(9), including its impact on the proper functioning of the internal market on cross-border investment advice.

By 31 December 2021, the Commission shall review the impact of the exemption laid down in point (j) of Article 2(1) with regard to emission allowances or derivatives thereof, and shall accompany that review, where appropriate, with a legislative proposal to amend that exemption. In that context, the Commission shall assess the trading in emission allowances and derivatives thereof in the Union and in third countries, the impact of the exemption laid down in point (j) of Article 2(1) on investor protection, the integrity and transparency of the markets in emission allowances and derivatives thereof and whether measures should be adopted in relation to trading that takes place on third country trading venues.
By  1 January 2019 the Commission shall prepare a report, after consulting ESMA and ACER, assessing the potential impact on energy prices and on the functioning of the energy market as well as the feasibility and the benefits in terms of reducing counterparty and systemic risks and the direct costs of C6 energy derivative contracts being made subject to the clearing obligation set out in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012, the risk mitigation techniques set out in Article 11(3) thereof and their inclusion in calculating the clearing threshold pursuant to Article 10 thereof.

If the Commission considers that it would not be feasible and beneficial to include those contracts, it shall submit, if appropriate, a legislative proposal to the European Parliament and the Council. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 89 of this Directive to extend the 42-month period referred to in Article 95(1) of this Directive once by two years and a further time by one year.


The Commission shall, after consulting ESMA, the EBA and ACER, submit reports to the European Parliament and to the Council containing a comprehensive assessment of the markets for commodity derivatives, for emission allowances and for derivatives of emission allowances. Those reports shall assess at least for each of the following elements their contribution to the liquidity and proper functioning of Union markets for commodity derivatives, for emission allowances or for derivatives of emission allowances:


the regimes for the position limits and the position management controls, on the basis of data provided by competent authorities to ESMA in accordance with Article 57(5) and (10);


the elements referred to in Article 2(4), second and third subparagraphs, of this Directive and the criteria for establishing when an activity is to be considered to be ancillary to the main business at group level pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1833 ( 17 ), taking into account the ability of persons as referred to in Article 2(1), point (j), of this Directive to enter into transactions for effectively reducing risks directly relating to the commercial activity or treasury financing activity, the application of requirements from 26 June 2026 for investment firms specialised in commodity derivatives or emission allowances or derivatives thereof as set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 and requirements for financial counterparties laid down in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;


for transactions in markets for commodity derivatives or for derivatives of emission allowances, the key elements to obtain harmonised data, the collection of transaction data by a single collecting entity, and the relevant information on and most appropriate format for transaction data to be made public.

The Commission shall submit:

the report referred to in the first subparagraph, point (b), of this paragraph by 31 July 2024, and
the reports referred to in the first subparagraph, points (a) and (c), of this paragraph by 31 July 2025.

Those reports shall, where appropriate, be accompanied by a legislative proposal concerning targeted changes to the market rules for commodity derivatives, emission allowances or derivatives of emission allowances framework.

( 17 ) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1833 of 14 July 2021 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the criteria for establishing when an activity is to be considered to be ancillary to the main business at group level (OJ L 372, 20.10.2021, p. 1).