Updated 17/10/2024
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Version from: 09/01/2024
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Article 97 - Cooperation with third-country authorities

Article 97

Cooperation with third-country authorities

This Article shall apply in respect of cooperation with a third country unless and until an international agreement as referred to in Article 93(1) enters into force with the relevant third country. It shall also apply following the entry into force of an international agreement provided for in Article 93(1) with the relevant third country to the extent that the subject matter of this Article is not governed by that agreement.

EBA may conclude non-binding framework cooperation arrangements with the following relevant third-country authorities:


in cases where a Union subsidiary is established in two or more Member States, the relevant authorities of the third country where the parent undertaking or a company referred to in points (c) and (d) of Article 1(1) are established;


in cases where a third-country institution operates Union branches in two or more Member States, the relevant authority of the third country where that institution is established;


in cases where a parent undertaking or a company referred to in points (c) and (d) of Article 1(1) established in a Member State with a subsidiary institution or significant branch in another Member State also has one or more third-country subsidiary institutions, the relevant authorities of the third countries where those subsidiary institutions are established;


in cases where an institution with a subsidiary institution or significant branch in another Member State has established one or more branches in one or more third countries, the relevant authorities of the third countries where those branches are located.

The arrangements referred to in this paragraph shall not make provision in relation to specific institutions. They shall not impose legal obligations upon Member States.


The framework cooperation agreements referred to in paragraph 2 shall establish processes and arrangements between the participating authorities for sharing information necessary for and cooperation in carrying out some or all or the following tasks and exercising some or all of the following powers in relation to institutions referred to in points (a) to (d) of paragraph 2 or groups including such institutions:


the development of resolution plans in accordance with Articles 10 to 13 and similar requirements under the law of the relevant third countries;


the assessment of the resolvability of such institutions and groups, in accordance with Articles 15 and 16 and similar requirements under the law of the relevant third countries;


the application of powers to address or remove impediments to resolvability pursuant to Articles 17 and 18 and any similar powers under the law of the relevant third countries;


the application of early intervention measures pursuant to Article 27 and similar powers under the law of the relevant third countries;


the application of resolution tools and exercise of resolution powers and similar powers exercisable by the relevant third-country authorities.

Competent authorities or resolution authorities, where appropriate, shall conclude non-binding cooperation arrangements in line with EBA framework arrangement with the relevant third-country authorities indicated in paragraph 2.

This Article shall not prevent Member States or their competent authorities from concluding bilateral or multilateral arrangements with third countries, in accordance with Article 33 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.


Cooperation arrangements concluded between resolution authorities of Member States and third countries in accordance with this Article may include provisions on the following matters:


the exchange of information necessary for the preparation and maintenance of resolution plans;


consultation and cooperation in the development of resolution plans, including principles for the exercise of powers under Articles 94 and 96 and similar powers under the law of the relevant third countries;


the exchange of information necessary for the application of resolution tools and exercise of resolution powers and similar powers under the law of the relevant third countries;


early warning to or consultation of parties to the cooperation arrangement before taking any significant action under this Directive or relevant third-country law affecting the institution or group to which the arrangement relates;


the coordination of public communication in the case of joint resolution actions;


procedures and arrangements for the exchange of information and cooperation under points (a) to (e), including, where appropriate, through the establishment and operation of crisis management groups.

Member States shall notify EBA of any cooperation arrangements that resolution authorities and competent authorities have concluded in accordance with this Article.