Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Version from: 30/12/2023
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Article 27 - Information concerning changes in the borrowing rate

Article 27

Information concerning changes in the borrowing rate

Member States shall ensure that the creditor informs the consumer of any change in the borrowing rate, on paper or another durable medium, before the change takes effect. The information shall at least state the amount of the payments to be made after the new borrowing rate takes effect and, in cases where the number or frequency of the payments changes, particulars thereof.
However, the Member States may allow the parties to agree in the credit agreement that the information referred to in paragraph 1 is to be given to the consumer periodically where the change in the borrowing rate is correlated with a change in a reference rate, the new reference rate is made publicly available by appropriate means and the information concerning the new reference rate is kept available in the premises of the creditor and communicated personally to the consumer together with the amount of new periodic instalments.
Creditors may continue to inform consumers periodically where the change in the borrowing rate is not correlated with a change in a reference rate where this was allowed under national law before 20 March 2014.
Where changes in the borrowing rate are determined by way of auction on the capital markets and it is therefore impossible for the creditor to inform the consumer of any change before the change takes effect, the creditor shall, in good time before the auction, inform the consumer on paper or on another durable medium of the upcoming procedure and provide an indication of how the borrowing rate could be affected.