Article 14
Pre-contractual information
Member States shall ensure that the creditor and, where applicable, the credit intermediary or appointed representative, provides the consumer with the personalised information needed to compare the credits available on the market, assess their implications and make an informed decision on whether to conclude a credit agreement:
without undue delay after the consumer has given the necessary information on his needs, financial situation and preferences in accordance with Article 20; and
in good time before the consumer is bound by any credit agreement or offer.
Member States shall ensure that when an offer binding on the creditor is provided to the consumer, it shall be provided on paper or on another durable medium and accompanied by an ESIS where:
no ESIS has been provided to the consumer previously; or
the characteristics of the offer are different from the information contained in the ESIS previously provided.
Member States shall specify that the time period referred to in the first subparagraph shall be either a reflection period before the conclusion of the credit agreement or a period for exercising a right of withdrawal after the conclusion of the credit agreement or a combination of the two.
Where a Member State specifies a reflection period before the conclusion of a credit agreement:
the offer shall be binding on the creditor for the duration of the reflection period; and
the consumer may accept the offer at any time during the reflection period.
Member States may provide that consumers cannot accept the offer for a period not exceeding the first 10 days of the reflection period.
Where the borrowing rate or other costs applicable to the offer are determined on the basis of the selling of underlying bonds or other long-term funding instruments, Member States may provide that the borrowing rate or other costs may vary from that stated in the offer in accordance with the value of the underlying bond or other long-term funding instrument.
Where the consumer has a right of withdrawal in accordance with the second subparagraph of this paragraph, Article 6 of Directive 2002/65/EC shall not apply.