Article 263
1. For the purposes of determining the exposure value of an unrated securitisation position in the form of cash advance facilities, a conversion factor of 0 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility that meets the conditions set out in Article 255(2).
2. When it is not possible for the institution to calculate the risk-weighted exposure amounts for the securitised exposures as if they had not been securitised, an institution may, on an exceptional basis and subject to the permission of the competent authorities, temporarily apply the method set out in paragraph 3 for the calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts for an unrated securitisation position in the form of liquidity facility that meets the conditions in Article 255(1). Institutions shall notify the use they make of the first sentence to the competent authorities, together with its reasons and the intended time period of use.
The calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts shall, in general, be deemed not to be possible if an inferred rating, the Internal Assessment Approach and the Supervisory Formula Approach are not at the institution's disposal.
3. The highest risk weight that would be applied under Chapter 2 to any of the securitised exposures, had they not been securitised, may be applied to the securitisation position represented by a liquidity facility that meets the conditions in Article 255(1). To determine the exposure value of the position a conversion factor of 100 % shall be applied.