Article 385
Simplified approach
An institution that meets all of the conditions set out in Article 273a(2) or has been permitted by its competent authority in accordance with Article 273a(4) to apply the approach set out in Article 282, may calculate the own funds requirements for CVA risk as the risk-weighted exposure amounts for counterparty risk for non-trading book and trading book positions, respectively, referred to in Article 92(4), points (a) and (g), divided by 12,5 .
For the purposes of the calculation referred to in paragraph 1, the following requirements shall apply:
credit derivatives that are recognised as internal hedges against counterparty risk exposures are not included in that calculation.
An institution that no longer meets one or more of the conditions set out in Article 273a(2) or (4), as applicable, shall comply with the requirements set out in Article 273b.