Article 377
Requirements for an internal model for correlation trading
The following risks shall be adequately captured by the model referred to in paragraph 1:
the cumulative risk arising from multiple defaults, including different ordering of defaults, in tranched products;
credit spread risk, including the gamma and cross-gamma effects;
volatility of implied correlations, including the cross effect between spreads and correlations;
basis risk, including both of the following:
the basis between the spread of an index and those of its constituent single names;
the basis between the implied correlation of an index and that of bespoke portfolios;
recovery rate volatility, as it relates to the propensity for recovery rates to affect tranche prices;
to the extent the comprehensive risk measure incorporates benefits from dynamic hedging, the risk of hedge slippage and the potential costs of rebalancing such hedges;
any other material price risks of positions in the correlation trading portfolio.
The institution shall have appropriate policies and procedures in place in order to separate the positions for which it holds permission to incorporate them in the own funds requirement in accordance with this Article from other positions for which it does not hold such permission.