Article 325h
Aggregation of risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks
The process to calculate the risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks described in Articles 325f and 325g shall be performed three times per risk class, each time using a different set of correlation parameters ρkl (correlation between risk factors within a bucket) and γbc (correlation between buckets within a risk class). Each of those three sets shall correspond to a different scenario, as follows:
the medium correlations scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc remain unchanged from those specified in Section 6;
the high correlations scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc that are specified in Section 6 shall be uniformly multiplied by 1,25, with ρkl and γbc subject to a cap at 100 %;
the ‘low correlations’ scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc that are specified in Section 6 shall be replaced by and
, respectively.