Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 01/01/2025
Amendments (1)
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Article 325h - Regulation 575/2013 (CRR)

Article 325h

Aggregation of risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks

Institutions shall aggregate risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks in accordance with the process set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.

The process to calculate the risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks described in Articles 325f and 325g shall be performed three times per risk class, each time using a different set of correlation parameters ρkl (correlation between risk factors within a bucket) and γbc (correlation between buckets within a risk class). Each of those three sets shall correspond to a different scenario, as follows:


the medium correlations scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc remain unchanged from those specified in Section 6;


the high correlations scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc that are specified in Section 6 shall be uniformly multiplied by 1,25, with ρkl and γbc subject to a cap at 100 %;


the ‘low correlations’ scenario, whereby the correlation parameters ρkl and γbc that are specified in Section 6 shall be replaced by image and image, respectively.

Institutions shall calculate the sum of the delta, vega and curvature risk-class specific own funds requirements for each scenario to determine three scenario-specific, own funds requirements.
The own funds requirement under the sensitivities-based method shall be the highest of the three scenario-specific own funds requirements referred to in paragraph 3.