Article 276
Recognition and treatment of collateral
For the purposes of this Section, institutions shall calculate the collateral amounts of VM, VMMA, NICA and NICAMA, by applying all the following requirements:
where all the transactions included in a netting set belong to the trading book, only collateral that is eligible under Articles 197 and 299 shall be recognised;
where a netting set contains at least one transaction that belongs to the non-trading book, only collateral that is eligible under Article 197 shall be recognised;
collateral received from a counterparty shall be recognised with a positive sign and collateral posted to a counterparty shall be recognised with a negative sign;
the volatility-adjusted value of any type of collateral received or posted shall be calculated in accordance with Article 223;
the same collateral item shall not be included in both VM and NICA at the same time;
the same collateral item shall not be included in both VMMA and NICAMA at the same time;
any collateral posted to the counterparty that is segregated from the assets of that counterparty and, as a result of that segregation, is bankruptcy remote in the event of the default or insolvency of that counterparty shall not be recognised in the calculation of NICA and NICAMA.
For the calculation of the volatility-adjusted value of collateral posted referred to in point (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article, institutions shall replace the formula set out in Article 223(2) with the following formula:
For the purposes of point (d) of paragraph 1, institutions shall set the liquidation period relevant for the calculation of the volatility-adjusted value of any collateral received or posted in accordance with one of the following time horizons:
one year for the netting sets referred to in Article 275(1);
the margin period of risk determined in accordance with point (b) of Article 279c(1) for the netting sets referred to in Article 275(2) and (3).