Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 01/01/2025
Amendments (8)
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Article 199 - Regulation 575/2013 (CRR)

Article 199

Additional eligibility for collateral under the IRB Approach


In addition to the collateral referred to in Articles 197 and 198, institutions that calculate risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts under the IRB Approach may also use the following forms of collateral:


immovable property collateral in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4;


receivables in accordance with paragraph 5;


other physical collateral in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 8;


leasing in accordance with paragraph 7.


Unless otherwise specified under Article 124(9), institutions may use as eligible collateral residential property which is or will be occupied or let by the owner, or the beneficial owner in the case of personal investment companies, and commercial immovable property, including offices and other commercial premises, where both of the following conditions are met:


the property value does not materially depend upon the credit quality of the obligor;


the risk of the borrower does not materially depend upon the performance of the underlying property or project, but on the underlying capacity of the borrower to repay the debt from other sources, and as a consequence the repayment of the facility does not materially depend on any cash flow generated by the underlying property serving as collateral.

For the purposes of the first subparagraph, point (a), institutions may exclude situations where purely macro-economic factors affect both the property value and the performance of the borrower.


Institutions may derogate from point (b) of paragraph 2 for exposures secured by residential property situated within the territory of a Member State, where the competent authority of that Member State has published evidence showing that a well-developed and long-established residential property market is present in that territory with loss rates that do not exceed any of the following limits:


the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (a), divided by the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (c), does not exceed 0,3  %;


the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (b), divided by the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (c), does not exceed 0,5  %.

Where either of the conditions in points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph is not met in a given year, institutions shall not use the treatment set out in that subparagraph until both conditions are satisfied in a subsequent year.


Institutions may derogate from point (b) of paragraph 2 for commercial immovable property situated within the territory of a Member State, where the competent authority of that Member State has published evidence showing that a well-developed and long-established commercial immovable property market is present in that territory with loss rates that do not exceed any of the following limits:


the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (d), divided by the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (f), does not exceed 0,3  %;


the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (e), divided by the aggregated amount reported by institutions under Article 430a(1), point (f), does not exceed 0,5  %.

Where either of the conditions in points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph is not met in a given year, institutions shall not use the treatment set out in that subparagraph until both conditions are satisfied in a subsequent year.

Institutions may also apply the derogations referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article in cases where the competent authority of a third country which applies supervisory and regulatory arrangements at least equivalent to those applied in the Union as determined in a decision of the Commission adopted in accordance with Article 107(4), publishes corresponding loss rates for exposures secured by residential property or commercial immovable property situated within the territory of that third country.
Institutions may use as eligible collateral amounts receivable linked to a commercial transaction or transactions with an original maturity of less than or equal to one year. Eligible receivables do not include those associated with securitisations, sub-participations or credit derivatives or amounts owed by affiliated parties.

Where a public development credit institution as defined in Article 429a(2) of this Regulation issues a promotional loan as defined in Article 429a(3) of this Regulation to another institution, or to a financial institution that is authorised to carry out activities as referred to in Annex I, point 2 or 3, to Directive 2013/36/EU and that meets the conditions set out in Article 119(5) of this Regulation, and where that other institution or financial institution passes through directly or indirectly that promotional loan to an ultimate obligor and cedes the receivable from the promotional loan as collateral to the public development credit institution, the public development credit institution may use the ceded receivable as eligible collateral, regardless of the original maturity of the ceded receivable.


Competent authorities shall permit an institution to use as eligible collateral physical collateral of a type other than those indicated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 where all the following conditions are met:


there are liquid markets, evidenced by frequent transactions taking into account the asset type, for the disposal of the collateral in an expeditious and economically efficient manner. Institutions shall carry out the assessment of this condition periodically and where information indicates material changes in the market;


there are well-established, publicly available market prices for the collateral. Institutions may consider market prices as well-established where they come from reliable sources of information such as public indices and reflect the price of the transactions under normal conditions. Institutions may consider market prices as publicly available, where these prices are disclosed, easily accessible, and obtainable regularly and without any undue administrative or financial burden;


the institution analyses the market prices, time and costs required to realise the collateral and the realised proceeds from the collateral;


the institution demonstrates that in at least 90 % of all liquidations for a given type of collateral the realised proceeds from the collateral are not below 70 % of the collateral value; where there is material volatility in the market prices, the institution demonstrates to the satisfaction of the competent authority that its valuation of the collateral is sufficiently conservative.

Institutions shall document the fulfilment of the conditions specified in points (a) to (d) of the first subparagraph and those specified in Article 210.

Subject to the provisions of Article 230(2), where the requirements set out in Article 211 are met, exposures arising from transactions whereby an institution leases property to a third party may be treated in the same manner as loans collateralised by the type of property leased.
EBA shall disclose a list of types of physical collateral for which institutions can assume that the conditions referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 6 are met.