Article 192
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
‘lending institution’ means the institution which has the exposure in question;
‘secured lending transaction’ means any transaction giving rise to an exposure secured by collateral which does not include a provision conferring upon the institution the right to receive margin at least daily;
‘capital market-driven transaction’ means any transaction giving rise to an exposure secured by collateral which includes a provision conferring upon the institution the right to receive margin at least daily;
‘underlying CIU’ means a CIU in the shares or units of which another CIU has invested;
‘substitution of risk parameters approach under A-IRB’ means the substitution, in accordance with Article 236a, of both the PD and LGD risk parameters of the underlying exposure with the corresponding PD and LGD that would be assigned under the IRB approach using own estimates of LGD to a comparable direct exposure to the protection provider.