Updated 18/02/2025
In force

Version from: 01/01/2025
Amendments (10)
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Article 161 - Regulation 575/2013 (CRR)

Article 161


Institutions shall use the following LGD values:


senior exposures without eligible funded credit protection to central governments and central banks, to financial sector entities and to regional governments, local authorities and public sector entities: 45 %;


senior exposures without eligible funded credit protection to corporates which are not financial sector entities: 40 %;


subordinated exposures without eligible collateral: 75 %;


covered bonds eligible for the treatment set out in Article 129(4) or (5) may be assigned an LGD value of 11,25 %;


for senior purchased corporate receivables exposures where an institution is not able to estimate PDs or where the institution’s PD estimates do not meet the requirements set out in Section 6: 40 %;


for subordinated purchased corporate receivables exposures where an institution is not able to estimate PDs or the institution's PD estimates do not meet the requirements set out in Section 6: 100 %;


for dilution risk of purchased corporate receivables: 100 %.

For dilution and default risk if an institution has received permission from the competent authority to use own LGD estimates for corporate exposures pursuant to Article 143 and it can decompose its EL estimates for purchased corporate receivables into PDs and LGDs in a manner the competent authority considers to be reliable, the LGD estimate for purchased corporate receivables may be used.
For an exposure covered by an unfunded credit protection, an institution using own estimates of LGD pursuant to Article 143 for both the exposure that is covered by an unfunded credit protection and for comparable direct exposures to the protection provider may recognise the unfunded credit protection in the LGD in accordance with Article 183.

For exposures assigned to the exposure classes referred to in Article 147(2), point (c)(i), (ii) or (iii), for the sole purpose of calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and the expected loss amounts of those exposures, and in particular for the purposes of Article 153(1), point (iii), Article 157, and Article 158(1), (5) and (10), where own estimates of LGD are used, the LGD values for each exposure used as an input of the risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss formulae shall not be less than the following LGD input floor values, calculated in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Article.

Table 1

LGD input floors (LGDfloor) for exposures belonging to the exposure classes referred to in Article 147(2), point (c)(i), (ii) or (iii)

Exposure without eligible FCP (LGDU-floor)

Exposure fully secured by eligible FCP (LGDS-floor)

25 %

financial collateral

0 %


10 %

residential property or commercial immovable property

10 %

other physical collateral

15 %

For exposures assigned to the exposure classes referred to in Article 147(2), point (aa)(i) or (ii), for the sole purpose of calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and the expected loss amounts of those exposures, and in particular for the purposes of Article 153(1), point (iii), Article 157, and Article 158(1), (5) and (10), where own estimates of LGD are used, the LGD value used as an input of the risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss formulae for exposures without eligible FCP shall not be less than the following LGD input floor value: 5 %.
For the purposes of paragraph 4 of this Article, the LGD input floors in Table 1 in that paragraph for exposures fully secured by eligible funded credit protection shall apply when the value of the funded credit protection, after the application of the volatility adjustments Hc and Hfx concerned in accordance with Article 230, is equal to or exceeds the value of the underlying exposure.

For the purposes of paragraph 4 of this Article and for the purposes of the application of the relevant related adjustments, Hc and Hfx, in accordance with Article 230, funded credit protection shall be eligible pursuant to this Chapter. In that case, the type of funded credit protection ‘other physical collateral’ in Article 230, Table 1, shall be understood as ‘other physical and other eligible collateral’.

The applicable LGD input floor (LGDfloor) for an exposure partially secured by FCP is calculated as the weighted average of LGDU-floor for the part of the exposure without FCP and LGDS-floor for the fully secured part, as follows:



LGDU-floor and LGDS-floor are the relevant floor values in Table 1;

E, ES, EU and HE are determined in accordance with Article 230.

Where an institution that uses own estimates of LGD for a given type of unsecured exposures to corporates and unsecured exposures to regional governments, local authorities and public sector entities is not able to take into account the effect of the funded credit protection securing one of the exposures of that type of exposures in the own estimate of LGD due to lack of data on recoveries for that funded credit protection, the institution shall be permitted to apply the formula set out in Article 230, with the exception that the LGDU in that formula shall be the institution’s own estimate of LGD for unsecured exposures. In that case, the funded credit protection shall be eligible in accordance with Chapter 4 and the institution’s own estimate of LGD used as LGDU shall be calculated based on underlying loss data excluding any recoveries arising from that funded credit protection.