Article 150
Conditions for permanent partial use
Institutions shall apply the Standardised Approach for all of the following exposures:
exposures assigned to the exposure class referred to in Article 147(2), point (e);
exposures assigned to exposure classes or belonging to types of exposures within an exposure class, for which institutions have not received the prior permission of the competent authorities to use the IRB Approach for the calculation of the risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts.
An institution that is permitted to use the IRB Approach for the calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts for a given exposure class may, subject to the competent authority’s prior permission, apply the Standardised Approach for some types of exposures within that exposure class, including exposures of foreign branches and different product groups, where those types of exposures are immaterial in terms of size and perceived risk profile.
In addition to the exposures referred to in paragraph 1, second subparagraph, an institution may, subject to the competent authority’s prior permission, apply the Standardised Approach for the following exposures where the IRB Approach is applied for other types of exposures within the same exposure class:
exposures to central governments and central banks of the Member States and their regional governments, local authorities, and public sector entities, provided that:
there is no difference in risk between the exposures to that central government and central bank and those other exposures because of specific public arrangements; and
exposures to central governments and central banks are assigned a 0 % risk weight under Article 114(2) or (4);
exposures of an institution to a counterparty which is its parent undertaking, its subsidiary or a subsidiary of its parent undertaking, provided that the counterparty is an institution or a financial holding company, mixed financial holding company, financial institution, asset management company or ancillary services undertaking subject to appropriate prudential requirements or an undertaking linked by a relationship within the meaning of Article 22(7) of Directive 2013/34/EU;
exposures between institutions which meet the requirements set out in Article 113(7).
An institution that is permitted to use the IRB Approach for the calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts for only some types of exposures within an exposure class shall apply the Standardised Approach for the remaining types of exposures within that exposure class.
In addition to the exposures referred to in paragraph 1, second subparagraph, of this Article and in this paragraph, an institution may apply the Standardised Approach for exposures to churches and religious communities which meet the requirements set out in Article 115(3).