Article 48
The Commission shall review and report on the implementation and effectiveness of this Chapter, in particular as regards the scope of, and compliance with, the reporting obligations and the modalities of the reporting on a project basis.
The review shall take into account international developments, in particular with regard to enhancing transparency of payments to governments, assess the impacts of other international regimes and consider the effects on competitiveness and security of energy supply. It shall be completed by 21 July 2018.
The report shall be submitted to the European Parliament and to the Council, together with a legislative proposal, if appropriate. That report shall consider the extension of the reporting requirements to additional industry sectors and whether the report on payments to governments should be audited. The report shall also consider the disclosure of additional information on the average number of employees, the use of subcontractors and any pecuniary penalties administered by a country.
The report shall also consider, taking into account developments in the OECD and the results of related European initiatives, the possibility of introducing an obligation requiring large undertakings to produce on an annual basis a country-by-country report for each Member State and third country in which they operate, containing information on, as a minimum, profits made, taxes paid on profits and public subsidies received.
In addition, the report shall analyse the feasibility of the introduction of an obligation for all Union issuers to carry out due diligence when sourcing minerals to ensure that supply chains have no connection to conflict parties and respect the EITI and OECD recommendations on responsible supply chain management.