Article 36
Exemptions for micro-undertakings
Member States may exempt micro-undertakings from any or all of the following obligations:
the obligation to present ‘Prepayments and accrued income’ and ‘Accruals and deferred income’. Where a Member State makes use of that option, it may permit those undertakings, only in respect of other charges as referred to in point (b)(vi) of paragraph 2 of this Article, to depart from point (d) of Article 6(1) with regard to the recognition of ‘Prepayments and accrued income’ and ‘Accruals and deferred income’, provided that this fact is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements or, in accordance with point (b) of this paragraph, at the foot of the balance sheet;
the obligation to draw up notes to the financial statements in accordance with Article 16, provided that the information required by points (d) and (e) of Article 16(1) of this Directive and by Article 24(2) of Directive 2012/30/EU is disclosed at the foot of the balance sheet;
the obligation to prepare a management report in accordance with Chapter 5, provided that the information required by Article 24(2) of Directive 2012/30/EU is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements or, in accordance with point (b) of this paragraph, at the foot of the balance sheet;
the obligation to publish annual financial statements in accordance with Chapter 7 of this Directive, provided that the balance sheet information contained therein is duly filed, in accordance with national law, with at least one competent authority designated by the Member State concerned. Whenever the competent authority is not the central register, commercial register or companies register, as referred to in Article 3(1) of Directive 2009/101/EC, the competent authority is required to provide the register with the information filed.
Member States may permit micro-undertakings:
to draw up only an abridged balance sheet showing separately at least those items preceded by letters in Annexes III or IV, where applicable. In cases where point (a) of paragraph 1 of this Article applies, items E under ‘Assets’ and D under ‘Liabilities’ in Annex III or items E and K in Annex IV shall be excluded from the balance sheet;
to draw up only an abridged profit and loss account showing separately at least the following items, where applicable:
other income,
cost of raw materials and consumables,
staff costs,
other charges,
profit or loss.
( 31 ) OJ L 81, 21.3.2012, p. 3.