Article 30
Peer reviews of competent authorities
The peer review shall include an assessment of, but shall not be limited to:
the adequacy of resources, the degree of independence, and governance arrangements of the competent authority, with particular regard to the effective application of the legislative acts referred to in Article 1(2) and the capacity to respond to market developments;
the effectiveness and the degree of convergence reached in the application of Union law and in supervisory practice, including regulatory technical standards and implementing technical standards, guidelines and recommendations adopted pursuant to Articles 10 to 16, and the extent to which the supervisory practice achieves the objectives set out in Union law;
the application of best practices developed by competent authorities whose adoption might be of benefit for other competent authorities;
the effectiveness and the degree of convergence reached with regard to the enforcement of the provisions adopted in the implementation of Union law, including the administrative sanctions and other administrative measures imposed against persons responsible where those provisions have not been complied with.
In accordance with Article 16(3), the competent authorities shall make every effort to comply with any guidelines and recommendations issued.
When developing draft regulatory technical standards or draft implementing technical standards in accordance with Articles 10 to 15, or guidelines or recommendations in accordance with Article 16, the Authority shall take into account the outcome of the peer review, along with any other information acquired by the Authority in carrying out its tasks, in order to ensure convergence of the highest quality supervisory practices.