Article 27
Crisis prevention, management and resolution
The Authority may be requested by the Commission to contribute to the assessment referred to in Article 242 of Directive 2009/138/EC, in particular as regards the cooperation of supervisory authorities within, and functionality of, colleges of supervisors; the supervisory practices concerning setting the capital add-ons; the assessment of the benefit of enhancing group supervision and capital management within a group of insurance or reinsurance undertakings, including possible measures to enhance a sound cross-border management of insurance groups, in particular in respect of risks and asset management; and may report on any new developments and progress concerning:
a harmonised framework for early intervention;
practices in centralised group risk management and functioning of group internal models including stress testing;
intra-group transactions and risk concentrations;
the behaviour of diversification and concentration effects over time;
a harmonised framework for asset transferability, insolvency and winding-up procedures which eliminates the relevant national company or corporate law barriers to asset transferability;
an equivalent level of protection of policy holders and beneficiaries of the undertakings of the same group, particularly in crisis situations;
a harmonised and adequately funded Union-wide solution for insurance guarantee schemes.
Having regard to point (f), the Authority may also report on any new developments and progress concerning a set of coordinated national crisis management arrangements and including the necessity or otherwise of a system of coherent and credible funding mechanisms, with appropriate financing instruments.
The review of this Regulation provided for in Article 81 shall, in particular, examine the possible enhancement of the role of the Authority in a framework of crisis prevention, management and resolution.