Article 8
Methodologies, models and key rating assumptions
Where a credit rating agency is using an existing credit rating prepared by another credit rating agency with respect to underlying assets or securitisation instruments, it shall not refuse to issue a credit rating of an entity or a financial instrument because a portion of the entity or the financial instrument had been previously rated by another credit rating agency.
A credit rating agency shall record all instances where in its credit rating process it departs from existing credit ratings prepared by another credit rating agency with respect to underlying assets or securitisation instruments providing a justification for the differing assessment.
Sovereign ratings shall be reviewed at least every six months.
Where rating methodologies, models or key rating assumptions used in credit rating activities are changed in accordance with Article 14(3), a credit rating agency shall:
immediately, using the same means of communication as used for the distribution of the affected credit ratings, disclose the likely scope of credit ratings to be affected;
immediately inform ESMA and publish on its website the results of the consultation and the new rating methodologies together with a detailed explanation thereof and their date of application;
immediately publish on its website the responses to the consultation referred to in paragraph 5a except in cases where confidentiality is requested by the respondent to the consultation;
review the affected credit ratings as soon as possible and no later than six months after the change, in the meantime placing those ratings under observation; and
re-rate all credit ratings that have been based on those methodologies, models or key rating assumptions if, following the review, the overall combined effect of the changes affects those credit ratings.
Where a credit rating agency becomes aware of errors in its rating methodologies or in their application it shall immediately:
notify those errors to ESMA and all affected rated entities explaining the impact on its ratings including the need to review issued ratings;
where errors have an impact on its credit ratings, publish those errors on its website;
correct those errors in the rating methodologies; and
apply the measures referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 6.