Article 246
Supervision of the system of governance
The requirements set out in Title I, Chapter IV, Section 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis at the level of the group.
Without prejudice to the first subparagraph, the risk management and internal control systems and reporting procedures shall be implemented consistently in all the undertakings included in the scope of group supervision pursuant to Article 213(2)(a) and (b) so that those systems and reporting procedures can be controlled at the level of the group.
Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the group internal control mechanisms shall include at least the following:
adequate mechanisms as regards group solvency to identify and measure all material risks incurred and to appropriately relate eligible own funds to risks;
sound reporting and accounting procedures to monitor and manage the intra-group transactions and the risk concentration.
Member States shall require the participating insurance undertaking or reinsurance undertaking, the insurance holding company or the mixed financial holding company to undertake at the level of the group the assessment required by Article 45. The own-risk and solvency assessment conducted at group level shall be subject to supervisory review by the group supervisor in accordance with Chapter III.
Where the calculation of the solvency at the level of the group is carried out in accordance with method 1, as referred to in Article 230, the participating insurance or reinsurance undertaking, the insurance holding company or the mixed financial holding company shall provide to the group supervisor a proper understanding of the difference between the sum of the Solvency Capital Requirements of all the related insurance or reinsurance undertakings of the group and the group consolidated Solvency Capital Requirement.
The participating insurance or reinsurance undertaking, the insurance holding company or the mixed financial holding company may, subject to the agreement of the group supervisor, undertake any assessments required pursuant to Article 45 at the level of the group and at the level of any subsidiary in the group at the same time, and may produce a single document covering all the assessments.
Before granting an agreement in accordance with the third subparagraph, the group supervisor shall consult the members of the college of supervisors and duly take into account their views or reservations.
Where the group exercises the option provided in the third subparagraph, it shall submit the document to all supervisory authorities concerned at the same time. The exercise of that option shall not exempt the subsidiaries concerned from the obligation to ensure that the requirements of Article 45 are met.