Article 242
By 31 December 2018 , the Commission shall make an assessment of the benefit of enhancing group supervision and capital management within a group of insurance or reinsurance undertakings including a reference to COM(2008)0119 and the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament on this proposal of 16 October 2008 (A6-0413/2008). That assessment shall include possible measures to enhance a sound cross-border management of insurance groups notably of risks and asset management. In its assessment, the Commission shall, inter alia, take into account new developments and progress concerning:
a harmonised framework on early intervention;
intra-group transactions and risk concentrations;
the behaviour of diversification and concentration effects over time;
a legally binding framework for the mediation of supervisory disputes;
a harmonised framework on asset transferability, insolvency and winding-up procedures which eliminates the relevant national company or corporate law barriers to asset transferability;
an equivalent level of protection of policy holders and beneficiaries of the undertakings of the same group particularly in crisis situations;
a harmonised and adequately funded EU-wide solution for insurance guarantee schemes;
a harmonised and legally binding framework between competent authorities, central banks and ministries of finance concerning crisis management, resolution and fiscal burden-sharing which aligns supervisory powers with fiscal responsibilities.
The Commission shall present a report to the European Parliament and the Council, accompanied, where appropriate, by proposals for the amendment of this Directive.