Article 38
Dismissal and resignation of statutory auditors or audit firms
The obligation to inform provided for in the first subparagraph shall also apply to the assurance of sustainability reporting.
In the case of a statutory audit of a public-interest entity, Member States shall ensure that it is permissible for
shareholders representing 5 % or more of the voting rights or of the share capital;
the other bodies of the audited entities when defined by national legislation; or
the competent authorities referred to in Article 32 of this Directive or designated in accordance with Article 20(1) of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 or, when provided for by national law, with Article 20(2) of that Regulation,
to bring a claim before a national court for the dismissal of the statutory auditor(s) or the audit firm(s) where there are proper grounds for so doing.
The first subparagraph shall also apply to the assurance of sustainability reporting.