Article 9
Internal control mechanisms and risk management processes
The risk management processes shall include:
sound governance and management with the approval and periodical review of the strategies and policies by the appropriate governing bodies at the level of the financial conglomerate with respect to all the risks they assume;
adequate capital adequacy policies in order to anticipate the impact of their business strategy on risk profile and capital requirements as determined in accordance with Article 6 and Annex I;
adequate procedures to ensure that their risk monitoring systems are well integrated into their organisation and that all measures are taken to ensure that the systems implemented in all the undertakings included in the scope of supplementary supervision are consistent so that the risks can be measured, monitored and controlled at the level of the financial conglomerate;
arrangements in place to contribute to and develop, if required, adequate recovery and resolution arrangements and plans. Such arrangements shall be updated regularly.
The internal control mechanisms shall include:
adequate mechanisms as regards capital adequacy to identify and measure all material risks incurred and to appropriately relate own funds to risks;
sound reporting and accounting procedures to identify, measure, monitor and control the intra-group transactions and the risk concentration.
The Member States shall require the regulated entities, at the level of the financial conglomerate, to regularly provide their competent authority with details on their legal structure and governance and organisational structure including all regulated entities, non-regulated subsidiaries and significant branches.
The Member States shall require the regulated entities to disclose publicly, at the level of the financial conglomerate, on an annual basis, either in full or by way of references to equivalent information, a description of their legal structure and governance and organisational structure.