TITLE II - REORGANISATION MEASURES (Article 3-8)Credit institutions having their head offices within the Community (Article 3-7)Article 3 - Adoption of reorganisation measures — applicable lawArticle 4 - Information for the competent authorities of the host Member StateArticle 5 - Information for the supervisory authorities of the home Member StateArticle 6 - PublicationArticle 7 - Duty to inform known creditors and right to lodge claimsCredit institutions having their head offices outside the Community (Article 8)Article 8 - Branches of third-country credit institutions
Credit institutions having their head offices within the Community (Article 3-7)Article 3 - Adoption of reorganisation measures — applicable lawArticle 4 - Information for the competent authorities of the host Member StateArticle 5 - Information for the supervisory authorities of the home Member StateArticle 6 - PublicationArticle 7 - Duty to inform known creditors and right to lodge claims
Credit institutions having their head offices outside the Community (Article 8)Article 8 - Branches of third-country credit institutions
TITLE III - WINDING-UP PROCEEDINGS (Article 9-19)Credit institutions having their head offices within the Community (Article 9-18)Article 9 - Opening of winding-up proceedings — Information to be communicated to other competent authoritiesArticle 10 - Law applicableArticle 11 - Consultation of competent authorities before voluntary winding upArticle 12 - Withdrawal of a credit institution's authorisationArticle 13 - Publication Article 14 - Provision of information to known creditorsArticle 15 - Honouring of obligationsArticle 16 - Right to lodge claimsArticle 17 - Languages Article 18 - Regular provision of information to creditorsCredit institutions the head offices of which are outside the Community (Article 19)Article 19 - Branches of third-country credit institutions
Credit institutions having their head offices within the Community (Article 9-18)Article 9 - Opening of winding-up proceedings — Information to be communicated to other competent authoritiesArticle 10 - Law applicableArticle 11 - Consultation of competent authorities before voluntary winding upArticle 12 - Withdrawal of a credit institution's authorisationArticle 13 - Publication Article 14 - Provision of information to known creditorsArticle 15 - Honouring of obligationsArticle 16 - Right to lodge claimsArticle 17 - Languages Article 18 - Regular provision of information to creditors
Credit institutions the head offices of which are outside the Community (Article 19)Article 19 - Branches of third-country credit institutions
TITLE IV - PROVISIONS COMMON TO REORGANISATION MEASURES AND WINDING-UP PROCEEDINGS (Article 20-33)Article 20 - Effects on certain contracts and rightsArticle 21 - Third parties' rights in reArticle 22 - Reservation of titleArticle 23 - Set-offArticle 24 - Lex rei sitaeArticle 25 - Netting agreements Article 26 - Repurchase agreementsArticle 27 - Regulated marketsArticle 28 - Proof of liquidators' appointmentArticle 29 - Registration in a public registerArticle 30 - Detrimental actsArticle 31 - Protection of third partiesArticle 32 - Lawsuits pendingArticle 33 - Professional secrecy
TITLE V - FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 34-36)Article 34 - ImplementationArticle 35 - Entry into forceArticle 36 - Addressees