Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Version from: 09/07/2024
Amendments (5)
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Article 127 - Exposures in default

Article 127

Exposures in default


The unsecured part of any item where the obligor has defaulted in accordance with Article 178, or in the case of retail exposures, the unsecured part of any credit facility which has defaulted in accordance with Article 178 shall be assigned a risk weight of:


150 %, where the sum of specific credit risk adjustments and of the amounts deducted in accordance with point (m) Article 36(1) is less than 20 % of the unsecured part of the exposure value if those specific credit risk adjustments and deductions were not applied;


100 %, where the sum of the specific credit risk adjustments and of the amounts deducted in accordance with point (m) Article 36(1) is no less than 20 % of the unsecured part of the exposure value if those specific credit risk adjustments and deductions were not applied.

For the purpose of calculating the specific credit risk adjustments referred to in the first subparagraph for an exposure that is purchased when already in default, institutions shall include in the calculation any positive difference between the amount owed by the obligor on that exposure and the sum of the additional own funds reduction if that exposure were fully written off and any already existing own funds reductions related to that exposure.

For the purpose of determining the secured part of a defaulted exposure, collateral and guarantees shall be eligible for credit risk mitigation purposes in accordance with Chapter 4.
The exposure value remaining after specific credit risk adjustments of non-IPRE exposures secured by residential property or commercial immovable property in accordance with Articles 125 and 126, respectively, shall be assigned a risk weight of 100 % if a default has occurred in accordance with Article 178.